Friday, September 27, 2013

What did I do this week? I'm glad you asked!

What did I do this week? I am glad you asked! I believe the more appropriate question is what I didn`t do this week! So many random things happened this week. Starting with people leaving in the middle of lessons, because they decided then and there that they didn`t want to hear our message anymore. We had people who were begging to learn how to pray and we hope to be able to put on the fast track to baptism. We had many people talk to us, and we had many people that as soon as they saw our badge took off running. We had bike problems, and got lost a couple of times. We even jammed out to a little, “Country Road”. But all in all, the Lord`s hand was in the work and we had a great week.


Bike problems - it was Thursday night, after a good weekly planning session at the church and I was turning my key to unlock my bike, when all of the sudden, "SNAP!"  The key broke inside the lock! We attempted to remove the lock with a pair of hedge clippers (my companion`s idea), of course that didn`t work. Haha, so we talked to the member who was in the building, practicing his singing. And he told us that it would be about a 20 minute walk to get to a place that would have the tools we would need. Well we didn`t exactly understand his Japanese too well, but we thought we got the idea of where we needed to go. I picked the bike up, set it on my shoulder and we made the 10 minute walk home, where I parked my bike and we continued to walk to the store. On our adventure, we had a blast talking about friends on missions, and my companion told stories of what he has done so far. After a while we found that the instructions he was gave us were leading us to a pretty sketchy place. So after a little prayer was said, we decided to head back and see if we had possibly passed it or if we could find something else. First we found McDonalds, and then we found a bike store that we were able to go to the next day to get the lock removed.


Jammin’ out to a little "Country Road" - There is a restaurant here that is all about cowboys, and we went in the other day to visit with a less active member who is from America. This guy is a liaison, so he is very good with people. There was a little trio concert at the front of this small restaurant, and all of the sudden they start singing in English. The member recognized the song and chimed in. Soon enough he was dancing around the room with the microphone, singing American songs. Apparently the drummer and the guitarist were also familiar with English songs. Then the crowd (all Japanese) wanted to sing “CountryRoad”. And they all know the lyrics!! The member starts singing and everyone is singing along. Of course we feel as awkward as can be, because they want us to sing too since we are American. And the member comes up and sticks the microphone in our faces. First of all I don`t know the lyrics and second of all I hadn`t practiced so my vocal cords were a little off. He told me the words to say and my voice totally cracked sending the entire crowd into a riot, but it was okay because my companion`s voice cracked as well. My companion and I had a blast though, and that will definitely be a night that I will never forget from my mission.


Thank you all for the wonderful support, I appreciate the letters that I have received and I was able to write back to most of you, so hopefully your received my letters. I know this church is true! I know that Thomas S. Monson leads it, under the direction of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I support and sustain all church authorities, and I know that Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon through the power of God. The Book of Mormon, isn`t just a book we have been commanded to read, it is a book of answers to some of life`s most difficult challenges and questions. I love it and read it every chance I get! Please do the same and read it as much as possible.


Love y`all,

Elder Wilcox

A member gave us some early Halloween candy


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