Friday, September 20, 2013

Colonel Sanders Accepts a Book of Mormon

A lot happened this week, including a lot of travel. Last preparation day, we were all over the place just trying to find a bank that would allow us to exchange our American money for Japanese money. It was madness. The next day, I went to Himejii, which is the best finding place in the mission. I went to Himejii because my trainer is the district leader. The missionary that I was paired up with is from my same group that came to Japan from the MTC. We are both trainees. It was soo fun, going around, we had a goal to talk to 100 people, and set up five lessons. Through that experience I realized how much of the language I actually knew. I was talking to these people for 5 to 10 minutes. Needless to say, Heavenly Father needs his work to move forward so he was not going to let the language get in the way. We were able to talk to exactly 100 people before our trainers came back. And we set up 4 lessons for Himejii, and we met someone that lives in Kakogawa and set up a lesson with him as well. Later that week, I got to go on an exchange with our zone leader, so that he could interview one of our investigators for baptism. Our zone leader, was my zone leader in my last area, and he is a crazy Nihongin that loves missionary work. We did a lot of contacting, and I was able to receive some valuable advice from him.


We went to stake conference this week, and it was so amazing to see all the missionaries there, and the youth of the stake. The youth sang some songs, and being able to sing with the Japanese, is extremely special and dear to my heart. Their songs are a little different than ours, instead of saying a word for each note, you say a character of the word, so several notes create a word. It is really pretty and very powerful. All in all, the work is continuing to move forward, I`m healthy.  Even if our rice was infested with bugs, it still tasted good with a little mamadofu sauce poured on top.


 I love you all, and always remember to fight on the Lord`s side, because in the end, He is the one who will be victorious.

- Elder Wilcox


I thought that the KFC guy could use a Book of Mormon, he was a little quiet, but when I asked him to be baptized, his smile was enough confirmation. And yes, there are cowboys in Japan!!!

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