Sunday, October 13, 2013

Training Days are Over

The announcement has come, and the mission is basically staying the same.  All the leaders are the same, most people are staying were they are, and that includes me and my companion. So I will enjoy another 6 weeks in the beautiful city of Kakogawa. And my training is done.  I am now a Junior Companion and not a trainee. HOORRAYY!!


I don`t have too much to report on this week. We did get to go to an indo curry with an investigator and that was way fun. We got lost in an area with a ton of factories and found a huge supermarket that is cheaper than cheap, basically Costco. We went to Big Boys and that was a weird experience. Everything was Japanese style, so there wasn`t any buns for the burgers, and I still can`t read Kanji, so when I picked the style of my meat I accidently choose rare. In Japan, when you pick rare, you are eating red meat, it was crazy!! But I haven`t gotten sick, so everything is all good. We also almost went fishing with an investigator but he had a job interview so maybe some time in the future. We did a lot of contacting and it is getting cooler, so next week suit season will officially begin. So I will be looking really good in my pictures.


Josh (Elder Anderson) looks way happy with his Baptisms. He looks really happy and soo much older in his pictures. I am glad that there are soo many from the ward that are out here serving the Lord. Who has their calls so far? And who all is out on missions? 


Love you all,

Elder Wilcox


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