Friday, August 9, 2013

Orange Arches and Thoughts on Service

Howdy y`all,

I don`t know where to begin, so much has happened this past week. I guess I will start with our activities for last preparation day. We went to Fushimi Inari, which I must say was absolutely beautiful, it`s a huge trail that has that is covered in orange arches. We walked on it for about an hour and half.  It was pouring rain.  By the time we got to the top of the mountain the rain stopped but we couldn`t actually see anything because the fog was so dense.


Every time we sit down to prepare for a lesson, it requires a lot of reading of Preach My Gospel and scriptures. Recently I have been focused on preparing to teach, how the gospel blesses families. While preparing I came across a quote by President Harold B. Lee, "The most important of the Lord`s work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home." This is so true. We will be with our families for all of eternity and so who is else better to serve than those you serve than those you love the most. Richard G. Scott states it best, "Pure love is an incomparable, potent power for good." By serving those around you, you will create this pure love. I have found this to be true on my mission as I go out and willingly WANT to serve, I feel so much more love for the Japanese people. I know that you can feel that way too, if you just step up and be the first to rise above the natural man and serve even when times are the toughest. It`s when times are tough that we grow the most. My companion continues to tell me that trials are merely mercy in disguise. 


I love this gospel and the opportunity that I have, to be able to share it with everyone I come into contact with. Well actually, I don`t really get to share very much of it because of the language barrier I am scrambling to climb over, but when I do I am bearing my testimony and radiating as much faith as I can possibly muster. I want everyone to be baptized, and I know that they see through our volunteer service that we know this is true.


One of this week`s miracles:


On Tuesday, we went back to a house to see a man who wanted to hear more about the Gospel but he didn`t have time. When we went back he told us he didn`t have interest. As soon as he hung up from the intercom, two young men walked out of the door. It was the man`s son and a friend. The friend could speak a little English because he spent four years in Canada for college. He was interested in Christianity and we invited him to church this past Sunday, he accepted and came. After church, he said I have a lot of questions, and you wouldn`t believe what his questions were…Who is God? Why am I here on Earth? Why are there so many religions? Where do we go after this life? We are going to commit him to baptism next lesson.


This week’s culture experiences: First, we talked to a lady who literally had no teeth. She was all gums, and it was so funny. I didn`t laugh but my smile got really big when I noticed that her entire mouth was pink. Until recently, Japanese people didn`t really see the point in dental care so, many of the older folks that we talk to don`t have many teeth, and if they do they are really yellow. We actually teach a man who is missing all the teeth only on the bottom right side of his mouth and has half a tongue, he showed us many times to make sure that we knew. We also taught a gentleman that we refer to as old potter because he has retired from his job and just makes pottery all day. I have a picture of that too, some of his pieces go for about $300 and they are really good. My favorite part is that he calls his wife mama san, san is like a title for Mrs. or Mr.. His wife is awesome she only wears kimonos. 


Please read your scriptures everyday! The scriptures are the standard of distinguishing truth and error. They make the day so much better. Always remember every member is a missionary.





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