Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Day!!!


I wake up at 6:29am to the alarm on my cell phone, and roll over in my futon (a sleeping bag but the Japanese use it as a bed). I prop myself up on my knees, find my pen and my spiral and begin to receive revelation for the day -the people we are going to teach, where we need to go, what we need to do in order to have the spirit with us all day. And as the Zone Leader I begin to pray by name for all of the members of the zone. Any revelation that I receive I quickly write down, because I am exhausted and might forget later. I then go to the bathroom or get a drink of water before I begin working out in the study. Sometimes, I can be in the bathroom for a long time, especially when I first got here to Japan and wasn`t used to eating so much rice so I sometimes sang the song, "If you’re driving in a Chevy and feel something heavy... (you can finish the rest)". Next, I workout,.  Usually I will focus on building the muscles in my shoulder so that I can wakeboard again someday. But sometimes we like to run to the top of the castle in the city we are working in, or go the park and do pull ups. When I finish working out I take a shower and sing songs of the restoration, I am trying to do more singing in Japanese, but I don`t want any of my neighbors to understand me, and to think I am a terrible singer. Once I finish drying off, I get into the same white shirt and tie that you see every missionary wearing, and I always love being able to put on my badge. Then we are off to the church to start out studying. 

We study 1 hour by ourselves, then an hour with our companion, and then an hour of Japanese. It goes by too fast sometimes, I never have enough time to learn everything I want to. 

We run home, make some lunch, clean up our mess, and then the day has begun, we are doing missionary work; going to appointments, talking to everyone we see. Sometimes, we get to do activities, like teach English, service projects, play sports with kids or the branch members, go on exchanges with other missionaries, train missionaries, and call others to repentance. 

When 9:00pm hits we have to be in the apartment, we say a quick prayer and begin to plan the next day; who do we need to visit, call, or text. How do we help this person keep commitments? Who is going to do what in tomorrow`s lessons? We open the area book and fill in anything that was taught that day, so that when we transfer, other missionaries will be able to understand what is going on. Then at 9:30pm, I am following up with some missionaries in my zone talking about their investigators and anyway that I can help them. That phone calls finish around 10pm and then I change into my shorts and t-shirt, write in my journal, and begin my evening prayer, confirming with Heavenly Father that I gave him everything I had that day, then thanking him for the opportunity I have to work here, I then ask for specific blessings that we need, and I always ask him to bless all of you. And as revelation comes to mind I am sure to write it down so that I am able to use it later. Then I turn the fan next to my futon to full blast for two hours, roll over and go to bed.

That's my day as a missionary.

Love all of you,

Elder Skyler Wilcox